While the past two years have proved to be challenging for the students with prolonged school closures and disruptions in learning brought about by the pandemic, they have risen to the occasion. Undeterred by the challenges, lessons for students have been carried out online on a daily basis. In 2020, MSC had 100% passes for the Grade 9 national examinations and, notwithstanding that our Grade 12 students were well prepared, the government cancelled the national examinations and passed all Grade 12 students to enter tertiary education God is gracious and good! The Grade 9 students of 2021 far exceeded expectations with their performance in national examinations, with 62% scoring distinctions and 38%, credits. Though our Grade 12s of 2021 obtained passes above the average in the National results at 80.5% passes. MSC is also very proud of a student who was in the top 1% across the nation, scoring Grade A for the Grade 12 national examinations.